

Shaking from the heart

Around middle December of 2015, I met up with a friend in Malaysia. She looked radiant, healthy and happy. I immediately asked her what the secret was, as I definitely wanted some of that too! She started telling me with sincere inner conviction about Ratu Bagus and his beautiful paradise ashram in Bali. Two weeks later I was on my way to spend my birthday and New Year there, to practise shaking meditation. Little did I know what a profound effect it would have on me.

I have just returned from my second visit to the ashram and would love to share some of my experiences with Ratu Bagus and the “shakers”, of which I am now proudly one!

I was picked up at the airport, greeted by a huge smile and hug, and came driving into the huge solid ashram gates just as the evening meditation was about to begin.  I quickly changed into the mandatory sarong and t-shirt and joined the shaking circle. It was already quite dark and there were clouds covering Mount Agung, but this magic mountain is ever-present and a great source of power and inspiration.

A deep peace surrounds the water temple, the centre piece of the ashram, and the quiet and power affects all that meditate in its presence. I love being there, listening to the water, especially at night under the moon and stars. It was wonderful to be back, a perfect “home-coming.”

Ratu was there presiding over his children; there was a buzz in the air, as there is when he is around. He saw me and gave me a big smile. I had not seen for 18 months, but he knows all of his spiritual children, and the glint of recognition and connection in his eyes were immediate. His smile is so healing and contagious and spreads joy like a flame through the people.

The energy he projects is electric and as he moves through the group, hearts are ignited and spontaneous and boisterous laughter rings out. It is a physical heart-opening energy that is tangible in the body, and inspires us to keep shaking and chanting. Ratu came to me, stood in front of me and gently folded my hands around his one hand. He did not say a word, but I could feel this connection moving me at a deep level. My tiredness disappeared, my mind dropped the worries of the outside world and I became fully present. In my previous stay, I experienced Ratu’s loving-kindness to all his people, like an all-enveloping ever-present tangible sparkling pink mist that we feel no matter where we are.

Ratu was only physically present for two days of my stay, but his energy is always tangible. There was one day in the taman that I was convinced I saw him there and had to blink several times to make sure. His pictures are there to inspire us and I find that when I ask him a question in my mind, I usually receive an answer.

Following Ratu’s teaching and spending time at the ashram is a huge acceleration of spiritual growth as well as in physical well-being, like getting off a bicycle into a rocket. That is certainly my experience - it is a blessed place with wonderful energy that really helps me to get into the natural flow of joy in my life. When I am in the ashram, I feel in the flow, and the synchronicity is amazing. Lessons happening just as I need them, ideas and images popping up, meditations spontaneously changing into inner clearing sessions. I love the chanting and singing, that really open me and help me connect to my joyful higher self.

A lovely time is in the afternoon after lunch when Ratu likes to “watch television”, and all the people at the ashram sit around him, enjoying his presence, laughing and just generally BEing. Sometimes he gives short teachings which are simply and clearly translated, and he always likes to see us all happy. On my second day, he distributed chocolates in the afternoon and as he handed me this small gift, I felt so deeply and unexpectedly moved that I felt tears in my eyes.

I love spending time with the people who come here to shake. I have so many meaningful and genuine conversations with supportive and down-to-earth people. No matter how difficult my personal process gets, I never feel alone and that means a lot to me.  I have really been calling in like-minded people in the last years of my life, and I have met several ‘friends of the heart’ here.

The shaking is powerful and healing and it is not only the people that are an inspiration to keep on with the practice. I often also get the feeling that I am supported by many energies that are unseen. One morning I stood shaking next to the statue of Ganesh with flagging energy, when suddenly I felt as though he was putting his trunk gently around me to support me and encourage me to continue. I was so surprised. He then showed me how he used his trunk to blow all the obstacles out of my path, so that the journey forward would be smooth. I couldn’t help laughing!

On my last day, I drew the powerful Ratu card “WE ARE ONE”, and in the afternoon shaking circle, I felt the truth of these words with every molecule of my body. I felt clearly that we were all an essential part of a great web, and were all here together with a true and important purpose. It was a wonderful and life-affirming moment.

I look forward to my next journey to this magical place on the planet where I left a piece of my heart.

Stefani, South Africa


So much that has happened and changed since I started shaking six months ago. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much.

I first came to the Ratu Bagus Ashram in October 2015 with two of my wonderful and dear friends. The three of us met up that October in Thailand to search for something more. Ciara had just come from the Ashram and Ellie had a strong pull to go back with her. I knew that I would miss the ladies so I went with them.

In the beginning, I don’t think I was even going to stay five days… 6 hours shaking a day! Ha! Ha! I didn’t think I could do that. However, I was willing to give it a go. Once I had arrived I could feel that I was in a very special place. I was reminded that if I wasn’t meant to be there I wouldn’t have been there and so I relaxed a bit more.

The first shake wasn’t so bad, in fact I enjoyed it. My legs wobbled a bit on their own and I just tried to go with it and just kept going.

At the water fountain, I saw people jump around like mad things. At first, I felt afraid. I didn’t want that to happen to me… I didn’t want to lose control like that. The fear then changed to what if I don’t feel anything? My fears shifted….. but at least they were moving. Now, I try to relax more and remember to be grateful for whatever comes, it is always a gift and always changing. I am my own self, or as another amazing shaker on my last visit said: “I will always be there for myself”.

My life changed dramatically after I left the Ashram for the first time. A turn of events led to the break up of a relationship. The shaking has given me such strength. I knew deep down that everything would be OK and I trusted whatever came.  I strove to keep active, positive and creative as much as I could. I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t have been shaking. I think I would have hardened my heart and festered in anger. I am so grateful that this isn’t happening to me. Especially as I have quite a fiery temper sometimes. With Ratu’s help, I am managing to hold on to softness, although my heart is still afraid to accept love and sometimes sharp edges pop out. I’ll get there.

People talked about processing. I had no idea what they were talking about. I wasn’t falling over or getting sick physically.  Then I realized that all the worrying and stressing, fears, anger and beating myself up is a process... a huge process and I couldn’t even see it.

Shake after shake all sorts of wonderful and strange things started to happen on so many different levels. Too many and too diverse to put into words here. They are only the things I am aware of and I am become more aware. Thank you Ratu! You do so much for us and you help us to do it for ourselves and others. Thank you!

So now I am also learning to let things go more, recognize when things don’t really matter and when they do, listen to and trust my own self and act on this. I feel stronger and happier, so much happier. I feel freer and lighter. I am learning how to focus more and more and recognize when I am drifting into chitter chatter with my fears and negativity. The world is an astonishing, wonderful, amazing and extraordinary place for me again. I am so grateful for these gifts. I am learning how to savour them.

Shaking helps me to remember this… to become more connected with my own self and to stay connected, to be grateful and to open up more to love and a magical world. I always feel better after a shake. I am not saying that I am perfect… although I should be saying that to myself more, however, I am getting better.

We are so welcomed, loved and supported in the Ratu Bagus Ashram. I will always remember how amazing the people there are. Terima kasih lovely Ratu Bagus Ashram folk! Terima kasih Ratu Bagus! Om Swasiastu.

Niamh (Neve), Ireland

Read more about how shaking meditation affects people's lives: go to Personal Experiences

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