
English | Retreats | New Year's Retreat Eastington, UK, 29 December - 1 January


Welcome to the UK New Year Shaking Retreat 29 December 24 to 1 January 25

Start: Friday 29 December with a shaking session at 4 pm
End: Monday 1 January after the last shake, clean-up & leave.

Schedule: 7am | 11.30am | 4.30pm | 8.15pm meditation

Contact for booking: [email protected]

Contribution: £250 or €290 per place. Payment on booking. 

Location: Eastington Manor and Gardens in the Heart of the Cotswolds, GL10 3RY



We are catering for ourselves as a community & we need breakfast volunteers and chef leaders to plan a meal and send us a list of ingredients, so we can have them delivered to the venue.Thank you!

We also need a volunteer to step forward and join our organising team as Catering Co-ordinator, who will help the chef leaders and meal planners to source and create their delicious delights!

If you would like to offer a meal plan, or if you can help out our team as Catering Co-ordinator, email us at: [email protected]
and please include “Meal Planning” in your email’s subject line

The Venue

Beautiful 18th century Eastington Manor and Gardens in the Heart of the Cotswolds.
Website: Eastingtonpark.co.uk

Rooms: 32 lovely rooms with en-suites. Two double rooms are suitable for limited mobility. One single room.



Nearest train station: Stonehouse station.
Nearest airport: Bristol
5 minutes from Junction 13 off the M5



Payment on booking. Please transfer to the appropriate account below and reference with your name.

Bank Details:

£ Account: Name: Ratu Bagus International | Account No: 65504855 | Sort code: 08-92-99

€ Account: Name: Ratu Bagus International | Bank Address: Metro Bank PLC, One Southampton Row, London, WC1B 5HA | Account No: 26427371 | IBAN: GB55MYMB23058026427371 | BIC MYMBGB2LXXX


We will be holding our usual New Year’s Raffle at the retreat and so will be requiring lots of items for the raffle.  Please dig deep and bring something wonderful, all proceeds go to The Ashram so it's a lovely offering.


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