
NederlandsShaken in de buurt | België / Belgium

EnglishShaking near youYour Local Contact and Groups | België / Belgium

Ratu Bagus Bio Energy Meditatie Training groepen en contacten in België
Ratu Bagus Bio Energy Meditation Practice groups and contacts in Belgium

Contact Team Belgium: Stephanie Thys
Phone: 0032 (0)479 91 34 63
Email: [email protected]



No cash payments!
Please pay the for all shakes and events on bank account no.  IBAN: BE22 7390 2052 0147 BIC (Swift code): KREDBEBB
Account holder: Ratu Bagus Belgium vzw. Please mention the shake date(s) and your name.


Zondag 1x per maand dagshake / Sunday 1x per month dayshake 13.15pm

In 2024: 07/04, 05/05, 02/06, 7/7, 4/8
I AM zaal
Wouwstraat 5
2640 Mortsel
Contact: Yuri Franken of Ingrid Bogaert 
Phone: +32 (0)497 40 23 36 (Yuri) of/or +32 (0)493 98 02 59 (Ingrid)
Email: Yuri [email protected] of/or Ingrid [email protected]

Contribution: €10

No cash payments!
Please pay the for your shakes on bank account no.  IBAN: BE22 7390 2052 0147 BIC (Swift code): KREDBEBB
Account holder: Ratu Bagus Belgium vzw. Please mention the shake date(s) and your name.



Elke twee maand een dagshake of retreat / every two months a dayshake or retreat.

In 2024: 20 januari, 30 maart, 8 juni

For more information go to Herentals Shake Days


naar Shaken in de buurt / go to  Your Local Contact and Groups